
Friday, September 5, 2014

Expressive Writing

On Wednesday I went to a rugby tournament and girls were most welcome to join. We played our best at the tournament and became the undefeated team out of all. But sadly one of our players in the junior team was injured badly. So our game was dedicated to him and we all tried our best for him. The fear of seeing all the other teams. They seem big,tough and strong but we still kept our faith held high. Even though they seem tough, strong etc but they never played as a team. Teamwork is the key to win. Our game on the finals we’re dedicated to Frank the player who got injured. We got into the field and played our best for him we played as a team so we can win. We played humbly and we played smart. We supported one another and we kept each others faith held high. When one of our team members are losing faith we encourage them to strong.

I've picked this as my best writing because I think this is one of the writing that I've actually used interesting vocabulary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one of my best writing. I believe I've used specif vocabulary and used Capital letters and full stop consistently. But I need to work on adding more interesting vocabulary. Other then that I did well.

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