
Friday, November 30, 2012

The Lego story

Once upon a time there was an old man named Oli and he had four son and his wife. Oli started a toy shop with his son Godfrey in 1932 after Olis wife died. The toy shop was called Lego and they made toys out of woods. The toy shop was a family business.

The main characters were Olis four son and his wife and Oli too. Oli and Godfrey loved to make toys for the kids and also so they could have money for their family. One windy night there was an fire in the toy shop and everything burnt down.

After the fire Oli had to build a new toy shop which is called Lego. Oli and Godfrey run the family business together. Soon Oli died and Godfrey had to run the business by himself.

There was another fire in the toy shop so Godfrey had to rebuild Lego. After they built Lego Godfrey thought that he needed an airport also a bigger place to build Lego land. Lego land was all built and they are still going today.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Typing Challenge trem 4

Typing Test
Visit the Typing Test and try!
Today room 3 did a typing challenge and I got 36 instead of 49 which is my highest score. But I am still proud of myself.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sonya & Jane Maths Book

For Maths for the past few weeks Sonya and I have
been looking at making a maths equation book for our soul friends.
In this maths book there is a whole heap of equations to do so I hope you enjoy having a little go at this, Check it out!

Favourite food rap

I love to eat cake,
cause I like the lake.

cake has flake,
so I need a break.

cake is so yummy,
but it’s in my tummy.

cake has berries
just for the fairies.

Monday, November 19, 2012

LIfe Education Van

This is a picture of me and Harold from the life Education van.
To day room three went to the life Education van where Harold was. Wlearnt about our body's also what food we should eat most and where it's come from. The last thing we learnt about was the three food sources.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Manaiakalani Film Festival

On a lovely day Saint Pius X school went to Sylvia Park to the Manaiakalani Film Festival. There were all kinds of different schools there and they all had different movies too.
When we got there we lined up outside ready to go inside. After that we went inside and all the schools had to sit down. Room three was one of the classes that sat at the back of the theatre.

After that we began with Saint Pius X room three’s movie. Our film was called ‘three words’ it was dark and everyone was watching. Everyone clapped loudly at the end of our movie.

My favorite film was room three’s three words
because I was in that film, and I appeared in it three times.

Friday, November 9, 2012


To be a sportsman you should be honest  and don't break the rules.
When you are playing everyone should be helpful and not to cheat.
To show sportsmanship you should supportive each other and don't hurt anyone. We can show sportsmanship by been friendly and not to fight in the game.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Healthy Lunch

This is a healthy lunch that I drew on tux paint.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Food Pyramid

Eat little

Eat sometimes

Eat most

Friday, November 2, 2012

Duffy and the best book in the world

On Friday the whole school went to the hall to watch Duffy and the best book in the world. They came to Saint Pius to show us that reading is fun and it is always good to read.

My favorite part  was when Scruffy wanted to play rugby with his brother Duffy but Duffy did not want to play. Duffy wanted to read so Scruffy said that Wiripepu is outside but he said it wrong it was Piri Weepu.